Photon [[Harmonic Oscillator State Vector]]s are a form of [[sub-Poissonian light]], which consists of photons, each emitted at a fixed time, $\Delta t$. ![](Pasted%20image%2020201119134231.png) They are also a type of [[squeezed states]]. # photon statistics # quantum mechanical model These photons are modeled quantum mechanically as [bosonic](Boson) [[fock state]]s, $|n\rangle$ and these states are evidently [eigenstates](State%20vector#Decomposing%20state%20vectors%20into%20sets%20of%20orthonormal%20eigenstates) of the [ladder operator formulation]( of the [harmonic oscillator hamiltonian]( ## creation and annihilation operators [[creation and annihilation operators]]s are equivalent to the [ladder operators]( for the [quantum harmonic oscillator]( #QuantumMechanics/QuantumOptics